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County Commissioners looking to open up more parking downtown

Updated: Feb 24, 2020

Article by: By Elizabeth Millner (KGNS)

LAREDO, TX (KGNS) - An old county building that was demolished years ago is making way for new development, one that will provide much convenience to those needing to go downtown.

Downtown Laredo is not only a historical site, but its home to many official businesses.

However, sometimes that business can be delayed when trying to search for a place to park.

On Tuesday, Webb County Commissioners decided to move forward with the construction of a parking lot on what used to be the old Tex Mex building.

Commissioner Wawi Tijerina says because the downtown area sees so much traffic on a day to day basis, they are in dire need of parking.

Some people downtown would describe parking as a nightmare; fortunately, County Commissioners are hoping to free up some spaces in the near future.

The old Tex Mex Parking lot is not the only project the county is working on that will help alleviate the problem.

Right outside the commissioner’s court is a space that is already available.

There was an old courthouse that they recently decided to demolish which could also be used for parking.

Right now the plan for the new Tex Mex parking lot includes an additional 18 to 20 spots in a one-story facility.


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